Sunday, March 18, 2018

Meanwhile, Down at the Legion....

Toronto Maple Leafs vs The Legion of the Winged Serpent.

Face-Off and Starship Invasions, two top-ten Canadian films, have something in common: teams sporting uniforms. In the former, the "Toronto Maple Leafs"; and in the latter, the "Legion of the Winged Serpent".

There is another commonality: pyramids. While the Leafs under coach Red Kelly hoped "Pyramid Power" would give them something extra, to no avail, the Legion neutralized the pyramid, vaulting them to some success.

The Leafs are playing well right now, but the Legion (the Boston Bruins?) will zap them from the playoffs.

Now that I think about it, "Toronto Maple Leafs vs The Legion of the Winged Serpent" sounds like an old Republic serial.

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